We license content for a range of research organisations. We use a research banding methodology based on FTE, which reflects the original Research Councils /RescoLinc methodology. Research institutes are closely aligned to our academic HE members and participate in agreements we have licensed for the HE sector, with the agreement of the publisher. This arrangement has been in place for many years.
We have the following organisations banded as Research Organisations:
UKRI, its research councils and constituent institutes
UKRI All - Pending
This will be a new band, which is currently being assessed, based on all the relevant staff/researcher FTE in UKRI. This band will be used when we license resources using Jisc banded pricing, for access by all UKRI staff.
UKRI Research Councils
For some agreements, we license at UKRI research council level. Each UKRI research council has been designated its own band based on the same FTE schema:
Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC) - 10
Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) - 5A
Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC) - 10
Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) - 9
Medical Research Council (MRC) - 7
Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) - 7
Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC) - 5B
Innovate UK - 9
UKRI Research Institutes
Each research council has research institutes within the council. Where the research council doesn't want to license for all science researchers in the council, we may on occasion license an agreement just for a component research institute. The bands for each research institute this may apply to are shown below and use the same FTE schema for consistency (Science FTE shown in brackets):
Babraham Institute (125) - 10
Pirbright Institute (178) - 10
Rothamsted Institute (123) - 10
Norwich Biosciences Institutes (532) - 8
Earlham Institute (87)
John Innes Centre (318)
Quadrum Institute (127)
Other research institutes
Most of the non-commercial research institutes were at one time a constituent part of a UK research council, and/or receive the majority of their funding from a funding council such as UKRI, Wellcome Trust or NIHR. All, or most of the entities shown below may, on occasion, license content as part of a research institutes consortium along with UKRI research councils and institutes, dependent on the publisher concerned.
The following institutes may be included in some UKRI agreements:
The Francis Crick Institute - 5A
UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (UKCEH) - 9
Wellcome Sanger Institute - 5B
National Marine Biological Association (MBA) - 10
Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS - Part of UHI) - 5B
Other research institutes:
The Alan Turing Institute - 10 (Academic affiliate)
Catapult Network - 5A (Non-Academic affiliate)
National Oceanographic Centre (NOC) - 3 (Academic affiliate)
UK Atomic Energy Authority - 5B (Academic affiliate)