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Search results

  1. Digital Theatre+ brings performance directly into the classroom, library and lecture hall. Bringing you filmed productions, practitioner interviews, and a wide range of written introductory/contextual materials. Live full length productions - including Digital Theatre's own recordings alongside collections from the likes of the Shakespeare's Globe, the Royal Shakespeare Company, the BBC, Broadway Digital Archive, Eclipse, Royal Opera House, London Symphony Orchestra etc and including audio radio-plays from LA Theatre Works. In-depth practitioner interviews exploring process, craft and technique with academics, playwrights and industry insiders: including actors, directors as well as all backstage staff: lighting technicians, fight coordinators and stage managers. Expert research resources such as encyclopedia entries, workshops, lectures and essays all written by academics and industry insiders and many peer-reviewed. Please note this agreement is for new institutions wishing to sign up. There is a separate catalogue page for existing subscribers.

    Publisher: Digital Limited

  2. UKPressOnline is the gateway to more than two million pages of the 19th-21st Centuries' newspapers, from 1835 to today, all as published on the day they were published and all searchable by name, word, phrase and date. With every page available in thumbnail, small preview, full-size view and ready-to-print PDF with live text, and page-by-page browse of editions, this is one of the easiest on-line newspaper archives to explore.

    Publisher: Digitorial Limited

  3. Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is primarily a list of peer-reviewed open access journals covering all disciplines and 80 languages. Journals are listed after a detailed evaluation based on the application from journals or publishers. The numbers of titles indexed have increased from 300 in 2003 to now more than 20,000.

    Publisher: Infrastructure Services for Open Access C.I.C.

  4. Both DOAB and OAPEN rely on support from the stakeholders in scholarly communication to sustain its services. DOAB and OAPEN have been deemed essential open science infrastructure by the Global Sustainability Coalition for Open Science Services (SCOSS).

    Publisher: Stichting OAPEN

  5. Open Access Infrastructure: DSpace is one of the most widely adopted open-source repository software in the world for managing research and scholarly materials across all disciplines and cultural heritage materials of all types, with a focus on open access, preservation, and storage.

    Publisher: LYRASIS, Inc

  6. D&B Hoovers uses the world's largest commercial database and sophisticated analytics to access business information. It delivers powerful search capabilities that can help quickly find companies. Company Profiles help gain a solid overview of each company searched for, more on their chosen market and the competitive environment to engage with the right decision makers.

    Publisher: Dun and Bradstreet Limited

  7. Duke University Press publishes books and journals primarily in the humanities and social sciences. The e-Duke journal titles are best known for gender and sexuality studies, anthropology, history, cultural studies and theory, environmental studies, international regional studies, political theory and literature.

    Publisher: Duke University Press

  8. Jisc e-books for FE is a collection of 450 curriculum-mapped titles covering BTEC, A-level, NVQ/SVQ, CACHE, GCSE, WJEC, CCCA, and Highers, available online via ProQuest’s Ebook Central platform and also available for download. There is unlimited concurrent access to every e-book, meaning there is no limit on the number of students who can access the same e-book at the same time. New titles are purchased every year with the advice of FE library staff. Please note the licence end date information for each title: while some are permanently available ("Perpetual") the majority of titles are three-year subscriptions only, and may expire on 31 August of a particular year. Some highly-used titles will be renewed beyond their third year. Teaching staff should contact the library service to confirm availability in advance of the start of the academic year.

    Publisher: ProQuest LLC

  9. Each publisher on the Digital Archival Collections Group Purchasing Scheme has provided a list price based on the Jisc banded structure, with the entry price point decreasing from band 1-10. The price displayed represents 20% off the Jisc banded list price and is the maximum price members would pay (excluding VAT or transaction management charge, where applicable). Once the order has been placed, you will immediately gain access to the content.

    Publisher: East View Information Services Inc

  10. EBSCO Educational Databases is an online education resource comprising British Education Index (BEI), Education Resource Information Center (ERIC), Educational Administration Abstracts, Education Abstracts, and Child Development and Adolescent Studies.

    Publisher: EBSCO International Inc